Random notes


Born under the sign of the Scorpio. In the year of the Dog.


So what should I tell you about... I have been involved with car audio since 1988 ( We started competing in 1997). Since music was my passion, I had to have a lot of it in my car. We tried everything there was to try. In high school I realized I could make money putting in other peoples stereos...a hobby was born! In 1991, I started my hobby as a career and the rest is written history (on the old Audio Promotions website)

My other passions include Sterling kit cars. I had a pic of one on my wall since before I was old enough to drive. Then I found one and....(See Mad Scientist link)

And then there is Connie, Lil Rob (the name was her idea), and Ember. They are my family. The reason I get up every morning, life would be so much worse if not for them. Here's a Tip: If Connie ever leaves me, buy LOTS of stock in Jack Daniels and Tollhouse Cookies!